Our Approach
We follow the American College of Financial Services® goal-based methodology by:
- Determining clients’ personal values, financial goals, needs and priorities
- Obtaining quantitative financial information and documents (investments, tax returns, estate structure, insurance, etc.)
- Identifying and evaluating financial planning alternatives
- Developing individualized comprehensive financial planning & global investment recommendations
- Agreeing on implementation responsibilities
- Defining monitoring approach and on-going financial services required
We embrace research-driven, evidence-based investing, which involves:
- Participating and investing in global economic growth
- Considering drivers of equity returns: low-costs, tax-efficiency, equity market premiums, company size, relative price valuation and profitability
- Considering drivers of fixed income returns: low-costs, tax-efficiency, term, credit, coupon and yield-to-maturity
- Recognizing global market pricing
- Not trying to outguess the markets
- Resisting chasing past performance
- Allowing compounding market returns to work for you
- Practicing smart diversification
- Avoiding market timing and looking beyond the 24/7 news headlines
- Managing your emotions with a comprehensive financial plan
We recommend a disciplined approach with focus on what you can control, which is:
- Creating a comprehensive financial plan as your financial guidepath
- Diversifying
- Managing Costs
- Reducing Taxes
- Remaining disciplined through market dips, swings, troughs and peaks